Pharma Focus Europe

Advances in Cancer Therapeutics

Svetoslav Valentinov Tsenov, Chair of the Board of Directors, ARPharM

Recent advances in cancer therapeutics have transformed the field of oncology, offering new hope for patients worldwide. Precision medicine, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and combination therapies are among the key developments that are revolutionizing cancer care. Ongoing research and collaboration, along with a patient-centered approach to care, are essential to progress.

1. In your opinion, what are the most significant challenges facing the development and commercialization of cancer therapeutics today, and how do you think these challenges can be overcome?

Developing and selling cancer drugs is a tough challenge due to the high costs involved in drug development and clinical trials. The process of creating new cancer drugs can take years and billions of dollars. The clinical trial process can also be lengthy and complicated, leading to further costs. To tackle this issue, it's suggested that stakeholders in the healthcare industry, including academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and regulatory agencies should collaborate. This collaboration can help in making the drug development process more efficient and cost-effective.

Apart from this, another challenge is the complex nature of cancer biology. Cancer is a diverse disease with various subtypes and genetic mutations, making it difficult to create therapies that are effective against all types of cancer.  Developing precision medicine can be a solution where treatments are tailored to each individual patient based on their genetic and molecular profiles, improving treatment efficacy and reducing adverse effects.

The regulatory process for cancer drugs is also challenging. The approval process can be long and complicated, leading to delays in the availability of new cancer therapies. Streamlining the regulatory process and increasing collaboration between regulatory agencies and industry stakeholders can help ensure timely approval of new cancer drugs.

Lastly, reimbursement and pricing also pose a significant challenge in the commercialization of cancer drugs. High drug prices and limited insurance coverage can prevent patients from accessing essential treatments. To address this issue, increasing transparency in drug pricing and developing innovative pricing models that prioritize patient access to treatments is crucial.

2. There has been a lot of excitement around immunotherapies for cancer treatment in recent years. How do you see this field evolving, and what role do you see immunotherapies playing in the future of cancer treatment?

Immunotherapy is a new and promising approach to cancer treatment. It has already gained considerable success, with many immunotherapeutic drugs approved for clinical use. The field of immunotherapy is continuously evolving and has shown immense potential to improve cancer treatment outcomes.

Combination therapies are among the ways immunotherapy is evolving. By combining different immunotherapies or immunotherapy with other treatments can significantly improve treatment outcomes.

Immunotherapies are a key player in the future of cancer treatment. They are designed to target cancer cells specifically and this is exactly what differentiates them from traditional treatments like chemotherapy that damage healthy cells along with cancer cells.

Immunotherapy also has the potential to induce long-lasting responses and even cures. Stimulating the immune system of the patient to recognize and attack cancer cells can create a memory effect that helps prevent cancer recurrence.

3. Precision medicine and genomic testing have been touted as potential game-changer in the field of cancer treatment. Can you speak to any recent advances in this area, and what impact do you think they will have on cancer care in the coming years?

Precision medicine and genomic testing have brought a significant revolution to the field of cancer treatment. Recent advancements have led to the development of targeted therapies that can selectively attack cancer cells based on their specific genetic mutations or biomarkers.

Among the advances in this area are liquid biopsy and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The first provides for less invasive blood testing and the second is a valuable tool for analyzing genomic data and identifying new therapeutic targets that would otherwise take humans years of work.

Precision medicine and genomic testing help develop more targeted therapies tailored to each patient’s profile and individual needs. This is expected to significantly improve patient outcomes and reduce the level of adverse effects. It can also help identify patients at higher risk of developing cancer and induce early detection and treatment.

4. Combination therapies have become increasingly popular in cancer treatment. How do you determine the best combination of drugs for a given patient, and what factors do you consider in making these decisions?

Choosing the best combination of drugs for cancer treatment can be a complex process that depends on various factors. Although combination therapies can enhance treatment effectiveness and improve patient outcomes, the choice of drugs and dosages must be carefully considered to minimize toxicity and adverse effects.

One crucial factor in determining the best combination of drugs is the specific type of cancer being treated. Different cancers may respond differently to certain drugs, and the choice of the combination therapy must consider the specific molecular and genetic characteristics of the tumor.

Other factors to be taken into account are the stage and severity of cancer; the patient’s overall health and medical history; the availability and cost of different drugs.

Usually, a personalized treatment plan is developed by a multidisciplinary team involving oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, etc.

5. CAR-T cell therapies have shown remarkable success in treating certain types of blood cancers. How do you see this technology evolving, and what potential do you see for its application in other cancer types?

CAR-T cell therapy is among the significant breakthroughs in cancer treatment in recent years with tremendous success in treating specific blood cancers. It uses genetically modified T cells that recognize and attack cancer cells.

As this technology continues to evolve, there is tremendous potential for its application in treating other cancer types. One promising area of research is the use of CAR-T cell therapy in solid tumors, which is more challenging than in blood cancers. Researchers are exploring new ways to engineer T cells that can penetrate solid tumors and effectively target cancer cells.

Combination therapies that include CAR-T cell therapy are also being researched to enhance the effectiveness of treatment and improve patient outcomes. Researchers are also exploring new targets for CAR-T cell therapy, including tumor-specific antigens and other components of the tumor microenvironment.

Moreover, there is potential for CAR-T cell therapy to be used in treating viral infections and autoimmune diseases, providing a new approach to addressing these challenging conditions.

6. The development of targeted therapies has been a major focus in the field of cancer therapeutics. How do you identify the best targets for these therapies, and what challenges do you face in developing drugs that are both safe and effective?

Identifying the best targets for targeted therapies in cancer treatment is a complex process that depends on various factors. Targeted therapies offer a highly targeted approach to treatment, selectively attacking cancer cells based on their specific genetic mutations or biomarkers.

One way to identify targets is through genomic sequencing of cancer cells. This process can reveal unique mutations or biomarkers that can be targeted with a therapeutic agent. Another way is through high-throughput screening techniques, which can identify molecules with potential therapeutic activity that interact with specific cellular targets.

However, identifying targets is just the first step in developing targeted therapies. Developing drugs that are safe and effective poses many challenges, including toxicity and off-target effects.

One significant challenge is the potential for the targeted therapy to also affect healthy cells that share similar characteristics with cancer cells. This can result in side effects and toxicity that limit the effectiveness of treatment.

Another challenge is the development of drug resistance, which can occur when cancer cells develop mutations that make them resistant to the targeted therapy. This can limit the long-term effectiveness of treatment and may require the development of new targeted therapies or combination therapies to overcome resistance.

Finally, there is the challenge of drug delivery, which is particularly important for targeted therapies that require precise targeting of cancer cells. Ensuring that the therapeutic agent reaches the intended target and is delivered in sufficient quantities to be effective is critical to the success of targeted therapies.

7. The application of AI and machine learning to the treatment of cancer has received a lot of attention. What role do you envision these technologies playing in the creation of novel cancer therapeutics? How do you see these technologies developing over the next few years?

As I have already mentioned before artificial intelligence and machine learning have huge potential in the development of cancer care.

One area where these technologies can be applied is in the development of novel cancer therapeutics. By analyzing large datasets, AI and machine learning can identify potential drug targets and predict the efficacy of new compounds, enabling researchers to develop new therapies more quickly and efficiently. They can also help identify those patients who will benefit most from a particular treatment.

We can expect to see continued development and refinement of AI and machine learning algorithms for cancer treatment in the next few years. These technologies will likely be integrated more closely with other treatment modalities, such as precision medicine and immunotherapy, to create more effective and personalized treatment approaches.

8. Clinical trials are a critical part of the drug development process, but they can be lengthy and expensive. How do you see the clinical trial process evolving, and what strategies do you use to streamline this process and make it more efficient?

Streamlining the clinical trial process is crucial in the development and commercialization of cancer therapeutics. Innovative trial designs, such as adaptive trials and basket trials, can expedite the process. Adaptive trials allow researchers to modify the trial protocol in response to new information, enabling more efficient use of resources and reducing the time and cost of trials. Basket trials enable the simultaneous testing of multiple drugs on different patient populations, expediting the testing of new therapies.

The value of RWE and AI and ML is more and more recognized in designing and conducting clinical trials as well.

Collaboration among stakeholders in the healthcare industry, including researchers, pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies, and patient advocacy groups, is critical to streamlining the clinical trial process. Increased collaboration can reduce duplication of effort, streamline trial design and execution, and speed up the approval of new drugs.

9. What excites you the most about the future of cancer therapeutics, and what breakthroughs do you see on the horizon that you think could have a significant impact on cancer care?

Exciting developments in cancer therapeutics hold promise for improving patient outcomes and transforming the way we treat cancer. Personalized medicine is one of the most exciting areas of research that aims to tailor treatment to the individual patient based on their unique genetic and molecular characteristics. This approach has already shown significant promise in the treatment of certain cancers, such as melanoma and lung cancer, and is expected to become increasingly important in the future.

Advances in genomic sequencing and precision medicine are also expected to have a significant impact on cancer care in the coming years. By analyzing a patient's genetic and molecular profile, doctors can identify specific targets for treatment and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual patient's needs.

Other significant advances are related to combination therapies, AI and ML, CAR-T cell therapy which we already discussed.

10. Cancer heterogeneity has long been a challenge in cancer treatment. Can you speak to any recent advances in addressing this issue, and what impact do you think these advances will have on the development of personalized cancer therapies?

Dealing with cancer heterogeneity has been a challenge for cancer treatment due to the complexity of the tumor microenvironment. Recent advances have focused on developing therapies that target multiple aspects of tumor heterogeneity, such as biomarker analysis and therapies that target different components of the tumor microenvironment.

One promising approach is combination therapy that combines immunotherapy with targeted therapy. This approach targets both cancer and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment, leading to better treatment outcomes.

Liquid biopsy tests have also emerged as a valuable tool for addressing tumor heterogeneity. These tests detect circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the blood, providing a more comprehensive picture of the tumor's genetic and molecular characteristics, which enables more personalized and targeted treatment.

Advancements in genomic sequencing and precision medicine are also critical for addressing tumor heterogeneity. By analyzing a patient's genetic and molecular profile, doctors can identify specific targets for treatment, and develop personalized treatment plans based on the individual patient's needs.

Moreover, researchers are exploring new biomarkers to identify patients who are most likely to benefit from a particular treatment. Recent studies have identified specific immune cell subsets associated with the response to immunotherapy, providing a more effective and targeted use of this treatment approach.

11. In recent years, there has been debate regarding the high expense of cancer medications. What measures can be taken to make sure that patients have access to these life-saving treatments, and how do you anticipate the landscape of pricing and reimbursement changing?

The cost of cancer medications has become a subject of intense debate, with many patients finding it difficult to afford these life-saving treatments. To address this issue, several measures can be taken.

One approach is to increase transparency in drug pricing and reimbursement, ensuring that patients and healthcare providers have access to clear and accurate information about the cost of medications. This can help patients make informed decisions about their treatment options and enable healthcare providers to negotiate lower prices with drug manufacturers.

Another approach is to promote competition in the marketplace, by allowing the introduction of generic versions of cancer medications and encouraging the development of biosimilars, which are lower-cost versions of biologic drugs.

There are also some initiatives led by manufacturers, institutions, and NGOs providing financial aid to those who cannot afford treatment.

In the future, we can expect continued debate and discussion around the pricing and reimbursement of cancer medications. There may be increased pressure on drug manufacturers to justify the high cost of their medications and more scrutiny of the pricing practices of insurance companies and government agencies.

12. One of the challenges in cancer treatment is drug resistance. Can you speak to any recent advances in understanding the mechanisms behind drug resistance and developing strategies to overcome it?

Drug resistance is a major obstacle in treating cancer, as cancer cells can develop mechanisms to evade the effects of chemotherapy and targeted therapies. Recent progress in comprehending the mechanisms of drug resistance is providing new perspectives into this problem, and scientists are devising methods to overcome it.

One key area of research for understanding drug resistance is the identification of molecular pathways that play a role in resistance. By comprehending the specific pathways that contribute to resistance, researchers can design new drugs or drug combinations that target these pathways and counter-resistance.

Another research area is the use of combination therapies, which can help overcome drug resistance by targeting multiple pathways at the same time. For example, combining chemotherapy with immunotherapy can improve the effectiveness of treatment and outcomes for patients with drug-resistant cancers.

Moreover, scientists are investigating the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to evaluate vast datasets and discover patterns of drug resistance. This approach can help identify new therapeutic targets and develop more effective treatment strategies.

One promising method of defeating drug resistance is precision medicine and personalized treatment. By analyzing a patient's genetic and molecular profile, doctors can pinpoint specific targets for treatment and create personalized treatment plans tailored to the patient's individual needs. This approach has already demonstrated significant promise in treating drug-resistant cancers such as melanoma and lung cancer.

13. The field of oncology has traditionally been dominated by large pharmaceutical companies, but there has been a growing interest in cancer therapeutics among smaller biotech firms. How do you see the role of smaller companies evolving in the development of new cancer therapies, and what advantages do they offer compared to larger companies?

In recent years, smaller biotech firms have become increasingly important in the development of new cancer therapies. These companies offer several advantages over larger pharmaceutical companies, including greater agility, faster decision-making, and a focus on innovation. One of the benefits of smaller biotech firms is their ability to make decisions more efficiently and move quickly, allowing them to adapt to the fast-paced field of cancer research. They can also be nimbler in their response to new challenges and opportunities, allowing them to stay at the forefront of the field.

Another advantage of smaller biotech firms is their focus on innovation. They often have a more specialized focus on a particular area of research, allowing them to develop deep expertise and identify new opportunities for innovation. This can lead to the development of novel therapies and treatment approaches that may not have been considered by larger pharmaceutical companies.

Smaller biotech firms can also offer a more personalized and patient-centered approach to cancer therapeutics. They may have a closer relationship with patients and healthcare providers, enabling them to better understand patient needs and develop more targeted and effective treatment options.

14. Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with our audience regarding the future of cancer treatment and the role of industry experts in this field?

The future of cancer treatment is promising, with developments in precision medicine, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and combination therapies providing hope for patients globally. Industry experts are vital in driving these advances, through research and development, clinical trials, and commercialization of new treatments. Collaboration across disciplines and institutions, sharing knowledge and expertise, and working together to overcome challenges will be essential for continued progress in the field of oncology.

I believe the future of cancer treatment is bright, and sustained research and development, collaboration, and patient-centered care are crucial for continued progress in the fight against cancer.

--Issue 02--

Author Bio

Svetoslav Valentinov Tsenov

Svetoslav is a Medical doctor, master in public health, and business expert with over 17 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Held various positions at the level of vice president, executive director, and director in multinational companies at global and regional levels (USA, Europe, Asia, Australia) in the field of management, sales department, corporate strategies, market access, relations with institutions, marketing, R&D . In his work, he places a strong focus on leadership, market development, customer and patient orientation, innovative solutions and strategic thinking. Lecturer in international and national forums on various topics, such as gene and cell therapies, innovative models of new molecule development, healthcare economics, and trends in clinical trial development. Former member of the EFPIA Working Group for Central and Eastern Europe, Chairman of the ARPharM Management Board, and Co-Chair of the AmCham Health Commission. He is currently a member of the management board of the Bulgarian Oncology Scientific Society, National Coordinator of the European Union initiative "Europe beats cancer" for Bulgaria, lecturer at the Medical Universities, managing director of Sunlight Health - a company with a focus on the healthcare sector.

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